Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Whitsun Weddings Essay Example For Students
The Whitsun Weddings Essay But this is all he is talking about, in these poems he would be most discriminated for, yet all he is thinking about is his own feelings and thoughts, not about the womens at all, so i dont feel that anyone can judge if he sympathises with the women or not as he isnt taking them into consideration. True he does talk about women as objects but only because he wishes he could as this would give him more power in that respect. He proves he doesnt believe in himself through the fact that he ended up dating the friend who he didnt find as attractive as the other bosomy rose. We will write a custom essay on The Whitsun Weddings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Like the previous two poems, Faith Healing could be thought of as also being about himself in the way that they were about his way of thinking and the way he acts or his relationships. Even though this poem is seemingly about women, we are able to notice a rather jealous tone when Larkin speaks about how women file up like a flock of sheep and will follow whatever is said to them using in this case a religious speaker. Larkin describes the speaker as being Godly; rimless glasses, silver hair, dark suit, white collar being able to persuade women to do whatever he wants them to do, believe whatever he wants them to believe. One may think that this is another mention of his fantasies; being able to tell women what to do yet i feel the poem does in-fact have a sympathetic tone to it. Either sympathetic towards the women not being able to think for themselves, even though he is rather patronising towards them by using animalistic terms such as hoarse tears, thick tongues and sheepishly stray or towards himself for not being the person who he wants to be. One poem that most definitely contrasts to the other poems is Selfs the Man, this is because there is blatant sympathy showed by Larkin, sympathy that still may not please people but i feel no-one will be able to argue with Larkins truthful feelings portrayed in this poem. Larkin tells us in this poem about his friend Arnold and his married life. Larkin tells us that Arnold is less selfish than he is in the way that Larkin feels he is a swine because he has a better life than him. He feels sorry for Arnold because he is stuck with a woman all day and she orders him round so much that he has no time at all. Larkin spends the first half of the poem describing Arnolds life, sympathising with him but also laughing at him for being such a fool. Towards the end of the poem we see Larkin starting to question his theory by asking himself if it was such a mistake and finishing off the poem saying he knows what i can stand or i suppose i can which shows he is thoroughly doubting who is better off. So in this poem we can see a change in Larkins views from the sympathetic, mocking view to hesitating on whether in-fact are people sympathising with him because of his situation. The final poem i will look at, i feel of one of the saddest poems Larkin has written as in Afternoons we see him describe a stage in a young mothers life where her youth is fading and she has got stuck into a routine. This routine is also described by saying the mothers assemble rather than meet up which suggests they have a strict and controlled life. The word hollows also conveys an emptiness in their lives, words such as hollows, fading and fall create a very sad tone that has not been seen in many of Larkins poems as they suggest a huge loss in their lives, causing Larkin to sympathise with the young mothers. .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 , .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .postImageUrl , .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 , .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09:hover , .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09:visited , .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09:active { border:0!important; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09:active , .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09 .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1f21fd6e54adb59675daceaf59419d09:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Beyond the arabin poetry EssayAlso we can see Larkin sympathise with married women in general which is very surprising in itself as he says that stand husbands, their children and an estateful of washing dominate their lives. From this i have come to the conclusion that in relation to the question how fair is the criticism Larkin has a lack of sympathy in his poetry i believe it is not fair, Larkin is sympathetic. Perhaps he is not as sympathetic as some poets but i feel that for a man with Larkins views, through his poetry he is able to sympathise with himself and his own views and also sympathise with others if that is what he was not to write about. I do not feel that Larkin should be discriminated because of his poetry purely because his poetry is his views; he should have to start sympathising with people if that is not what he believed in. From this selection of poems, i personally have identified sympathy in all the poems i have looked at. I feel that sympathy towards yourself can still count as being sympathetic and i honestly feel that Larkin often was not happy with himself in the ways he felt inadequate and not able to be someone he wishes he would be. Afternoons showed the most sympathy and unusually towards women which was very rare for him to look at a womans point of view. Still it proves he can still sympathise with women if he actually thinks about them and their views. In his other poems he usually only concentrates of himself which might cause readers to think that he isnt being sympathetic but why would you need to talk about other people in your own poetry? He would not have thought of a target audience that a novelist would. He usually does talk about himself but as proven in Afternoons, when he does choose to think away from his point of view Larkin does show a sympathetic side backed up with an even more surprising saddened tone. This showing that even a stubborn man such as Larkin can still identify with other people in a sympathetic manor. Georgina Sims Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Philip Larkin section.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Biography of Black Bart Roberts, Successful Pirate
Biography of 'Black Bart' Roberts, Successful Pirate Bartholomew Black Bart Roberts (1682ââ¬âFeb. 10, 1722) was a Welsh pirate and the most successful buccaneer of the so-called Golden Age of Piracy, capturing and looting more ships than contemporaries such as Blackbeard, Edward Low, Jack Rackham, and Francis Spriggs combined. At the height of his power, he had a fleet of four ships and hundreds of pirates to go with his organizational skills, charisma, and daring. He was killed in action by pirate hunters off the African coast in 1722. Fast Facts: Bartholomew Roberts Famous For: Highly successful pirateAlso Known As: Black Bart, JohnBorn: 1682 nearà Haverfordwest, WalesDied: Feb. 10, 1722 off the Guinea coast Early Life Little is known of Roberts early life, other than that he was born nearà Haverfordwest, Wales in 1682 and his real first name was possibly John. He took to sea at a young age, proving himself a competent sailor, as by 1719 he was second mate on the slave ship Princess. The Princess went to Anomabu, in present-day Ghana, to pick up slaves in mid-1719. That June, the Princess was captured by Welsh pirate Howell Davis, who forced several crew members, including Roberts, to join his band. Only six weeks after Black Bart was forced to join the crew, Davis was killed. The crew took a vote, and Roberts was named the new captain. Although he was a reluctant pirate, Roberts embraced the role of captain. According to contemporary historian Capt. Charles Johnson (who might have been Daniel Defoe), Roberts felt that if he must be a pirate, it was better being a commander than a common man. His first act was to attack the town where Davis had been killed in order to avenge his former captain. Rich Haul Roberts and his crew headed for the coast of South America to look for booty. After several weeks they found a treasure fleet bound for Portugal getting ready in All Saints Bay off northern Brazil. Waiting nearby were 42 ships and their escorts, two massive men-of-war with 70 guns each. Roberts sailed into the bay as if he were part of the convoy and took one of the ships without anyone noticing. He had the ships master point out the richest ship at anchor, then sailed up and attacked. Roberts captured the ship and both vessels sailed away; the escort ships couldnt catch them. Double-Crossed Soon after, while Roberts was chasing another prize, some of his men, led by Walter Kennedy, made off with the treasure ship and most of the loot. Roberts was infuriated. The remaining pirates devised a set of articles and made newcomers swear to them. They included payments for those injured in battle and punishments for those who stole, deserted, or committed other crimes. The articles excluded Irishmen from becoming full members of the crew, most likely because of Kennedy, who was Irish. Overwhelming Ships Roberts quickly added weapons and men to reach his former strength. When authorities in Barbados learned that he was nearby, they outfitted two pirate hunter ships to bring him in. Roberts saw one of the ships and, not knowing it was a heavily armed pirate-hunter, tried to take it. The other ship opened fire and Roberts was forced to flee. After that, Roberts was always harsh to captured ships from Barbados. Roberts and his men made their way north to Newfoundland in June 1720 and found 22 ships in the harbor. The crews and townspeople fled at the sight of the pirates flag. Roberts and his men looted the ships, destroying and sinking all but one, which they commandeered. They then sailed out to the banks, finding several French ships and keeping one. With this small fleet, Roberts and his men captured many more prizes in the area that summer. They then returned to the Caribbean, where they captured dozens of vessels. They changed ships often, selecting the best vessels and outfitting them for piracy. Roberts flagship was usually renamedà Royal Fortune, and he would often have fleets of three or four ships. He began calling himself the Admiral of the Leeward Islands. He was sought out by two ships of would-be pirates looking for pointers; he gave them advice, ammunition, and weapons. Roberts Flags Four flags are associated with Roberts. According to Johnson, when Roberts sailed to Africa, he had a black flag bearing a skeleton, representing death, that held an hourglass in one hand and crossbones in the other. Nearby were a spear and three drops of blood. Another Roberts flagà also was black, with a white figure, representing Roberts, holding a flaming sword and standing on two skulls. Beneath them was written ABH and AMH, standing for A Barbadian Head and A Martinicos Head. Roberts hated the governors of Barbados and Martinique for sendingà pirate huntersà after him and was always cruel to ships from either place. When Roberts was killed, according to Johnson, his flag featured a skeleton and a man with a flaming sword, signifying defiance of death. The flag most commonly associated with Robertsà was black and displayed a pirate and a skeleton holding an hourglass between them. Deserters Roberts often faced discipline problems. In early 1721, Roberts killed one crew member in a brawl and was attacked later by one of that mans friends. This caused a division among the already disgruntled crew. One faction wanted out, convincing the captain of one of Roberts ships, Thomas Anstis, to desert Roberts. They did, setting out on their own in April 1721. Anstis proved to be an unsuccessful pirate. Meanwhile, the Caribbean had become too dangerous for Roberts, who headed for Africa. Africa Roberts neared Senegal in June 1721à and began raiding shipping along the coast. He anchored at Sierra Leone, where he heard that two Royal Navy ships, theà Swallowà and theà Weymouth, had been in the area but had left a month before. They took theà Onslow, a massive frigate, renamed her theà Royal Fortune,à and mounted 40 cannons. With a fleet of four ships and at the height of his strength, he could attack anyone with impunity. For the next few months, Roberts took dozens of prizes. Each pirate began amassing a small fortune. Cruelty In January 1722, Roberts showed his cruelty. He was sailing off Whydah, a well-known slaving area, and found aà slave ship, theà Porcupine, at anchor. The captain was ashore. Roberts took the ship and demanded a ransom from the captain, who refused to deal with pirates. Roberts ordered the Porcupine burned, but his men didnt release the slaves on board. Johnson describes the slaves miserable choice of perishing by fire or water, writing that those who jumped overboard were seized by sharks and tore limb from limb alive ... A cruelty unparalelld! Beginning of the End In February 1722, Roberts was repairing his ship when a large vessel approached. It turned to flee, so Roberts sent his consort vessel, theà Great Ranger, to capture it. The other ship was actually theà Swallow, a large man-of-war that had been looking for them under the command of Capt. Challoner Ogle. Once they were out of Roberts sight, the Swallowà turned and attacked theà Great Ranger. After a two-hour battle, theà Great Rangerà was crippled and her remaining crew surrendered. Ogle sent theà Great Rangerà limping away with the pirates in chains and went back for Roberts. Final Battle Theà Swallowà returned on Feb. 10 to find theà Royal Fortuneà still at anchor. Two other ships were there: a tender to theà Royal Fortuneà and a trading vessel, theà Neptune. One of Roberts men had served on theà Swallowà and recognized it. Some men wanted to flee, but Roberts decided to fight. They sailed out to meet theà Swallow. Roberts was killed in the first broadside as grapeshot fired from one of theà Swallows cannons tore out his throat. Obeying his standing order, his men threw his body overboard. Without Roberts, the pirates lost heart and within an hour they surrendered. One hundred and fifty-two pirates were arrested. Theà Neptuneà had vanished, but not before looting the abandoned smallerà pirate ship. Ogle set sail for Cape Coast Castle on Africas west coast. A trial was held atà Cape Coast Castle. Of the 152 pirates, 52 Africans were sold back into slavery, 54 were hanged, and 37 were sentenced to serve as indentured servants and sent to the West Indies. Those who could prove they had been forced to join the crew against their will were acquitted. Legacy Black Bart Roberts was the greatest pirate of his generation: it is estimated that he took 400 ships during his three-year career. He isnt as famous as some contemporaries, such as Blackbeard,à Stede Bonnet,à orà Charles Vane, but he was a much better pirate. His nickname seems to have come from his dark hair and complexion instead of a cruel nature, although he could be as ruthless as any contemporary. Roberts owed his success to many factors, including his charisma and leadership, his daring and ruthlessness, and his ability to coordinate small fleets to maximum effect. Wherever he was, commerce came to a halt; fear of him and his men made merchants stay in port. Roberts is a favorite of true pirate buffs. He was mentioned inà Robert Louis Stevensons Treasure Island. Iin the movie The Princess Bride, the name Dread Pirate Roberts refers to him. He often appears in pirate video games and has been the subject of novels, histories, and movies. Sources Cordingly, David. .Under the Black Flagà Random House, 1996.Johnson, Capt. Charles (Defoe, Daniel?). A General History of the Pyrates. Dover Publications, 1972/1999.Konstam, Angus.à The World Atlas of Pirates.à Lyons Press, 2009.Bartholomew Roberts: Welsh Pirate. Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Born free generation
?It is not for nothing that the born free youth in 2013 has been named the ââ¬Å"me generationâ⬠. Todayââ¬â¢s people growing up are materialistic, self indulged and obsessed with themselves. This essay will explore that 19 years after the first the first democratic elections in South Africa, the young people of today are little different from their counterparts else where in the world. My argument will show that this is somewhat ironic because politically inspired school pupils were the catalysts for one of the most important resistances against the apartheid government. In 1976 the National Party attempted to modify the education act and insist that Afrikaans be the medium of instruction for Bantu education. On the 16th of June politicised and angry young teenagers poured into the streets of Soweto equipped with suitcases and stones. They confronted heavily armed policemen and the might of the South African military with the determination to express their outrage at yet another political injustice. Hector Peterson lost his life on this day and his limp body became emblematic of a politicised youth determined to make South Africa a democratic country. When Presidentââ¬â¢s Kennedy, Nixon and Johnson involved the United States of America in a war across the globe, to minimise the influence of communism, young people in America took to the streets and protested vigorously across the land. Indeed, this event characterised popular culture to such an extent that protest music became a genre popular worldwide. Singers such as Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and Peter, Paul and Mary voiced the objections of the ââ¬Å"Love Generationâ⬠. Music in fact became the medium for political resistance in South Africa as well; Johnny Klegg became the ââ¬Å"white Zuluâ⬠and his anthropologist wrote resistance songs, which young people in South Africa promoted with much vigour and enthusiasm. Stephanie Powers too became a voice of political decent and her raspy voice with songs like ââ¬Å"Last night when we were youngâ⬠energised disco techs in which young South Africanââ¬â¢s danced the night away. However, 19 years after the demise of Apartheid, young South Africans are no longer interested in political and social protest music, in fact the pop genre has never enjoyed such wide spirit support in this country. Justin Bieberââ¬â¢s concert in Cape Town and Gauteng enjoyed unprecedented popularity and support. The columnist for the Sunday times exclaimed on the 14th of may that the hysterical behaviour of so many young girls was reason for great concern in fact anyone attending this concert could not have failed to be struck by one of the great ironies of one of the great ââ¬Å"Musical bonanzaâ⬠in Soweto, a bowl of poverty and deprivation. In fact, a sensitive appreciation of these ironies can be little other then down right embarrassing. However, if this were limited to one outing only, young peopleââ¬â¢s self indulgence and narcissism might be forgiven however, Johannesburg Stadium has been the host to Lady Gaga, The Red Hot Chilli Pepper and U2, in each case promoters smile at ticket sales and the amount of money made from each outing. Furthermore, it would be a little naive to believe that this is a characteristic only displayed by the youth of South Africa. Young people worldwide it would appear are pleasure seeking and selfish and are all too willing to emulate and worship celebrity culture. Charlotte Metcalfe in her article, ââ¬Å"Where are all the role models, the real heroines we once reveredâ⬠satirises adolescent hero worship of figures such as Cheryl Cole
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Do Annual Financial Reports have to be so lengthy and cluttered Essay
Do Annual Financial Reports have to be so lengthy and cluttered - Essay Example According to a recent report by Deloitte, many of the larger firms have reports that are more than 309 pages in length. Companies disclose their business risks, the key performance indicators, and these disclosures are in response to the EU Transparency Obligations Directive. A few areas that lead to clutter are immaterial disclosures, needless explanations that prevent the reader from understanding important information. Other areas for clutter are long explanations given as declarations and footnotes that do not change every year. Other examples are detailed notes online items, share-based payments and so on. These are included more as behavioural influence from the previous years. Accountants fear comments from regulatory agencies that the reports do not disclose all the required information and hence they include a number of declarations and narrations about even minor items. Other areas that lead to excess clutter is information on corporate social responsibility, deferred tax, directorsââ¬â¢ report and statutory information, financial instruments, intangibles, principal subsidies, movement tables, post-retirement benefits, principal risks and remuneration report.... Other examples are detailed notes on line items, share based payments and so on. These are included more as behavioural influence from the previous years (Campbell and Slack, 2008). Accountants fear comments from regulatory agencies that the reports do not disclose all the required information and hence they include a number of declarations and narrations about even minor items. Other areas that lead to excess clutter is information on corporate social responsibility, deferred tax, directorsââ¬â¢ report and statutory information, financial instruments, intangibles, principal subsidies, movement tables, post retirement benefits, principal risks and remuneration report (Holmes, et al, 2008). One of the most abused areas that have excessive clutter is the Corporate Social Responsibility section. Many firms, such as BP and Wall-Mart, actually devote more areas on providing information and high gloss pictures on the CSR activities than they do for the actual financial reporting (Kindle berger and Aliber, 2005). While the information given in this section is entertaining and helps to understand that the company does social work also, the large volumes of information, data about various committees, sub activities, and so on do not help an investor to allot resources or to understand the health of the firm (Humpherys, et al, 2011). Another area that sees the most clutter is the section on governance. The UK Corporate Governance Code has 52 provisions but firms can show compliance to only 18. In the annual report, the firm can demonstrate how it has complied with these 18 codes. For the remaining codes, it can give the number and state briefly the reason for non-compliance. However, many
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Life's greatest miracle Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Life's greatest miracle - Term Paper Example The producer of the program, Julia Cort notes that the urge to procreate is fundamental to all insects, birds, primates among others. DNA is a molecule responsible for carrying genetic material. It has been 4 billion years since the first discovery of this core molecule of life (Lifes Greatest Miracle). Bacteria replicate by cloning, that makes the parent and the clone identical with the exception of fornication mutants. Cloning as a type of reproduction is disadvantageous in that the species are prone to wipe out in case of a detrimental disease. Sexual reproduction on the other hand involves a male and female organism. Genes from each parent are vital for copulation to take place. The off spring from sexual reproduction is different from the parents and others. Sex results to difference. Variety is advantageous to a population because it translates to survival of a species. Sperm formation takes place in the testicles of a male organism with an approximation of 100,000,000 sperms per day (Lifes Greatest Miracle). Each sperm carries a unique genetic package. Miosis is the process that eggs and sperms undergo for them to exist (Lifes Greatest Miracle). The medical photographer explains the process with the aid of sex cells (egg and sperm). A pair of chromosomes in a sex cell replicate each forming two strands of chromosome attached at the centre. The chromosome then condenses to from an X shape. The partners coil around each other at specific points resulting to the transfer of genetic material. As mentioned earlier, sexual reproduction promotes diversity. Diversity increases the probability of organisms to survive. The narrator tells that majority of males start producing sperms during puberty while in females the creation of eggs onsets as a fetus. The eggs die off over the years. A teenage female outnumbers the adult female in terms of eggs in the ova ry. However, in comparison to a sperm, an egg is of quality rather
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Inventory period and operating cycle Essay Example for Free
Inventory period and operating cycle Essay Age of inventory will show the number of days that inventory of COSCO is being held before they are sold. Increasing or decreasing the same must be a guided by the objective of maintaining a good working capital condition. COSCO Wholesale has inventory period of 27 days. Before recommendation could be made whether its inventory period should be increased, said inventory period must be compared with the payment terms with suppliers. If the companyââ¬â¢s payment terms (Bernstein, 1993) to supplier is 30 days them the age of inventory of 27 days is a good sign that the company is making sale of inventory efficiently, which means that it can sell faster than the next time the company orders and pays for these goods. For COSCO to maintain its 27 days inventory period, it must also tie this up with collection period since higher sales volume is normally associated with longer collection period. Increasing sales on credit with longer collection will decrease inventory period and the two will sum up to operating cycle (Meigs and Meigs, 1995). If the resulting operating cycle still allows a good and manageable working capital situation, then increasing sales on credit must be done up to such point, otherwise mismanaged working could turn the company unable to meet currently maturing obligations. Operating Cycle COSCOââ¬â¢S operating cycle is 30 says which consists of 27 days inventory period and 3 days collection period. To determine whether recommendations should be made whether the cycle could be increased or decreased should be tied up on it working capital situation. If its present working capital situation allows the company to meet it currently maturing obligations then its operating cycle is just right. As discussed earlier, the strategy on operating cycle is affected by decisions made on age of inventory and policy on making sales on credit. One could not just decrease operating cycle without basis like by decreasing age of inventory by underinvestment as this could mean not satisfying the demand for companyââ¬â¢s products for the sake of shorter age of inventory and consequently shorter operating cycle. The companyââ¬â¢s policy on sales on credit must be sufficient enough to meet realistic targets in terms of sales revenues and working capital requirements (Brigham and Houston, 2002).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Andree Putman Bio Essay -- essays research papers
Biography of Andree Putman à à à à à Andree Putman, one of the world best known contemporary designers was born in Paris, 1925. Every career that Ms. Putman has attempted she has excelled in. Therefore, many would say her style is eclectic ranging from interiors to perfume. Throughout all of her projects she has ââ¬Å"worked with the idea of making beautiful things accessible to everyoneâ⬠. Ms. Putman is a one of a kind designer who has reached beyond the borders of interior design itself. à à à à à Ms. Putman began her career as a musician where she was instructed by a well known French composer, Francis Poulenc. In the 1960ââ¬â¢s Ms. Putman worked as a journalist, writing columns for Lââ¬â¢Oeil (eye) and Les Cahiers de Elle. Finally in 1978 her career as an interior designer/architect had developed due to publicity from designing just a few residencies for friends. à à à à à Mafia, the first French style and marketing consulting company was also formed by Ms. Putman. Towards the end of the 60ââ¬â¢s, Ms. Putman worked in the design & style department of the French stores Prisunic, working with Denise Fayolle and Mame Arnodine. Mafia persuaded famous young artists to help with designing a collection of home accessories and outstanding lithographs. This was one of the many ways that Ms. Putman achieved her idea of making beautiful things such as, contemporary art available to the general public at a minimal cost. Didier Grumbach...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Food and Beverage Operations Essay
This means that liquor outlets can refuse entry and alcohol to any member of the pubmic without giving a reason. Question 2 * People orientated ââ¬â beverage managers must be comfortable leading their employees and working with the public. a manager is expected to walk the floor and talk to patrons. * Honesty ââ¬â in some cases beverage managerââ¬â¢s work for the owner of the establishment, who has entrusted his or her managers with the restaurants profits and supplies. Stealing from the establishment or other dishonesty is a fast way to lose the owners trust. * Organized ââ¬â a good beverage manager will know the key to success is preparations. This means ensuring beverages are fresh and ready to place when customers arrive, beverage managers must be strong administrators. * Flexibility ââ¬â a beverage manager may be required to work late hours, especially if employed at a bar. You will need to be prepared for all situations. A good beverage manager has the below 5 characteristics: * Confidence * Honesty and integrity * Good management skills * To be able to work well under pressure * Reliability Question 3. On-consumption ââ¬â an outlet where liquor is served over a counter or to table for the customers to consume on the premises. Off-consumption ââ¬â an outlet where liquor is sold to the public for consumption elsewhere. The liquor must be sold unopened in sealed containers. Question 4 A bar control system is important in order to attain correct and accurate stock control. Question 5 Possible discrepancies are: * You used the incorrect selling price in the calculations. * The issues and opening stock values could be incorrect * There could be spillages. * Stocks have been stolen as a result of poor security * The addition and extensions could be incorrect Question 6 (a) R1650(Cost) 100 R6000(sales)x 1= 25 (b) 75% Question 7 A cocktail is sipped whereas a shooter is drunk quickly. Question 8 Cocktails have since become a very popular type of drink and operators have realized that consumers are more likely to try a new mix of cocktails which vary from bar to bar. Question 9 To make it attractive. Question 10 The shake method is done in a cocktail shaker and is usually shaken with ice and strained into a glass. The stir method means the ingredients are added together and then stirred to ensure mixing in one of two ways: Mixed in the glass or mixed in a separate container and then strained into the serving glass. Question 11 This means that when a cocktail is shaken with ice, the ice thaws too quickly, diluting the liquor with water and making the drink weaker. Question 12 a) Rum: 1) Cuba Libre ââ¬â 1 ? Tots white rum Top up with cola according to taste in a highball glass with ice. Lime or lemon wedge to garnish. 2) Bacardi Cocktail ââ¬â 1 measure Bacardi rum ? measure grenadine ? lemon juice. Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass b) Brandy: 1) Brandy Cocktail-1 ? measures brandy 1 measure cointreau 2 dashes of sugar syrup 2 dashes of angostura bitters Add ice and stir gently, strain into a cocktail glass 2) Stinger ââ¬â 1 measure brandy 1 measure creme de menthe (white) Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass c) Gin: 1) Gin and It ââ¬â 1 measure dry gin 1 measure Italian vermouth Pour over ice unto a cocktail glass garnish with a cherry 2) Dry Martini-2 measures dry gin 1 measure dry vermouth Mix and stir gently and serve in a cocktail glass garnish with a twist of lemon and an olive. Question 13 1 ounces Whiskey 5 ounces Soda Water Mix ingredients in a highball glass two-thirds full of ice. Stir briskly and garnish with a lemon twist. | Question 14 Balloon glass. South African liqueur brandy is wellington or old fashioned. Question 15 Sambuco is a liqueur, it is usually meant to be drunk before meals but people prefer to have them as shooters. It is most often served on their own in a liqueur glass or as part of a cocktail. Question 16 The binder: made up of one leaf which holds the filler together. Covers the inner part of the cigar completely.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Personal Attack: The Logical Fallacy of Argumentum
The term ââ¬Å"ad hominemâ⬠is a Latin phrase that translates to ââ¬Å"against the manâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Ad hominemâ⬠).à It is one of several logical fallacies that may appear (intentionally or otherwise) in the rhetorical mode of writing or speaking known as Argument.à The use of the ad hominem indicates that an argument (or counter-argument) is focusing not on the issue or cause, but on the issueââ¬â¢s presenter, and it generally takes the form of a personal attack of the presenterââ¬â¢s character (ââ¬Å"Introduction to Ad Hominem Fallaciesâ⬠). The soundest ad hominem attacks are made up of two steps.à The first step is to discredit the speaker/presenter/sponsor, and the second step is to imply that because the speaker/presenter/sponsor is a ââ¬Å"badâ⬠person, the issue or cause must be bad as well (ââ¬Å"Introduction to Ad Hominem Fallaciesâ⬠). For example, prior to the last local election, I attended a debate between two city council candidates regarding a public school bond measure.à Having read about the issue, I was aware that the facts proved the bondââ¬â¢s cost would far outweigh the anticipated minimal benefitsââ¬âbenefits that had not been shown to occur in similar communities.à I had seen no evidence to support any logical argument to encourage citizenââ¬â¢s to support the bond issue, so I was not surprised when one candidate turned the factual debate into a personal attack of his opponent. The argument: that his opponent had no school-aged children and because of this, his opponent has no vested interest in the success or failure of the communityââ¬â¢s public school system. Obviously the candidate who was attacking his opponent (via the ad hominem) hoped that people would equate his opponentââ¬â¢s lacking school-aged children with an inability to assess a public school bond issue properly. The logical counter to this fallacious argument would be to return the focus to the facts: ifà passed, would the school bond result in improvements or would it not?à If passed, would theà costs of the school bond be worth the benefits or not?à I would quickly point out that whether orà not one has children has no bearing on oneââ¬â¢s ability to assess the fiscal impact of a set of facts,à and I would add to that, that if this were a logical supposition, that only those who had childrenà should be allowed to vote on the bond issue as obviously only those with children haveà the capacity to make a sound decision in this area. References Ad hominem.à (2000).à In The American heritage dictionary of the English language (4th ed.).à Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Introduction to ad hominem fallacies.à (n.d.).à Mission Critical. à Retrieved October 17, 2006, from
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Most Dangerous Game
A person is unable to empathize with another unless he has shared a similar experience. Often one will come to realize the feeling of another. In, ââ¬Å"The Most Dangerous Gameâ⬠by Richard Connel, the characters are both skilled hunters who find themselves pitted against each other in the ultimate game of cat and mouse. When Sanger Rainsford meets the formidable General Zaroff, he learns what true fear is and discovers the resources needed to overcome his foe. General Zaroff is a cruel and heartless hunter. He tells Rainsford that he must hunt an animal that can reason and that humans are the only thing that can, so he hunts them. Zaroff must be mentally ill to hunt humans. He must feel a sense of superiority when he makes a kill. In addition Zaroff placed lights in the ocean to indicate a false channel full of jagged rocks which will tear metal like its paper. Zaroff must have a strong need to keep his human ââ¬Å"stockâ⬠in high numbers. To destroy ships and have survivors swim to his island is the only way he can keep hunting humans. Furthermore, Zaroff keeps the men he will hunt in a training camp in his basement. Because the sailors are not used to being on land Zaroff must put them in training camp to let them get used to the land so he can hunt them in a dangerous game. General Zaroff likes his opponents to be physically fit. General Zaroffââ¬â¢s hobby of hunting humans is sick and ruthless. Sanger Rainsford is a cunning and resourceful opponent. For example, while playing the game with General Zaroff, Rainsford digs a deep hole and puts large, sharp sticks in the bottom and covers the hole with brush. Rainsford is good at making good use of what he has. Rainsford doesnââ¬â¢t give up when he might be considered the underdog. In addition, Rainsford ties a knife to a vine and makes a booby trap for Zaroff, which misses Zaroff and hits his assistant Ivan. Although Rainsford misses his opponen... Free Essays on Most Dangerous Game Free Essays on Most Dangerous Game A person is unable to empathize with another unless he has shared a similar experience. Often one will come to realize the feeling of another. In, ââ¬Å"The Most Dangerous Gameâ⬠by Richard Connel, the characters are both skilled hunters who find themselves pitted against each other in the ultimate game of cat and mouse. When Sanger Rainsford meets the formidable General Zaroff, he learns what true fear is and discovers the resources needed to overcome his foe. General Zaroff is a cruel and heartless hunter. He tells Rainsford that he must hunt an animal that can reason and that humans are the only thing that can, so he hunts them. Zaroff must be mentally ill to hunt humans. He must feel a sense of superiority when he makes a kill. In addition Zaroff placed lights in the ocean to indicate a false channel full of jagged rocks which will tear metal like its paper. Zaroff must have a strong need to keep his human ââ¬Å"stockâ⬠in high numbers. To destroy ships and have survivors swim to his island is the only way he can keep hunting humans. Furthermore, Zaroff keeps the men he will hunt in a training camp in his basement. Because the sailors are not used to being on land Zaroff must put them in training camp to let them get used to the land so he can hunt them in a dangerous game. General Zaroff likes his opponents to be physically fit. General Zaroffââ¬â¢s hobby of hunting humans is sick and ruthless. Sanger Rainsford is a cunning and resourceful opponent. For example, while playing the game with General Zaroff, Rainsford digs a deep hole and puts large, sharp sticks in the bottom and covers the hole with brush. Rainsford is good at making good use of what he has. Rainsford doesnââ¬â¢t give up when he might be considered the underdog. In addition, Rainsford ties a knife to a vine and makes a booby trap for Zaroff, which misses Zaroff and hits his assistant Ivan. Although Rainsford misses his opponen...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Article 2 v Article 3 In a Ticking Bomb Scenario Dissertation
Article 2 v Article 3 In a Ticking Bomb Scenario - Dissertation Example This essay discusses that all around the world, the civil societies considered it flagrant violations of human rights. It is also unacceptable under Article 5 of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signatories of Third and fourth Geneva Conventions. Besides United Nations Convention against Torture, ratified by the representatives of 147 countries does not allow torture on captive suspects. The concept of thought experiment was initially introduced by the famous novelist Jean in the year 1960. The driving force of cited thoughts stems from the first Indo China War. The professor of Political Science at Reed College endorsed torturing on suspects provided he or she is involved in claiming or intended to claim numerous lives and destruction of properties through their subversive activities. In accordance with the definition of 1984 United Nations Convention Torture is: ââ¬Å"Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a pe rson for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in, or incidental to, lawful sanctionsâ⬠. ... In accordance with the definition of 1984 United Nations Convention Torture is: ââ¬Å"Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in, or incidental to, lawful sanctionsâ⬠3. Mentioned definition is strictly applicable on the nations and the government sponsored torture. The torture inflicted directly or indirectly includes: a) torture inflicted upon by the gangsters, ethnic group, rebels or t errorists b) abrupt violence during war and c) whipping d) politically motivated torture of all sorts. The intellectuals of the United Kingdom are of the view that though the torture on suspects is not morally justifiable or legally permissible as per UK law. But under certain circumstances, torture on the suspects to get material information may be allowed. For example if a terrorist who is in the custody of law enforcing agencies / investigation agencies planted bomb in a busy shopping area, if exploded may claim hundreds of lives and mass destruction of properties. In such situation, torture on a suspect to get critical information relating to their links with the terrorist
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Case study about Verizon wireless issues and possible improovements - 1
About Verizon wireless issues and possible improovements - Case Study Example However, there are several problems with the technologies that Verizon has available that are causing some concern with consumers. In addition, their pricing is well above the average and in the current economy will not encourage consumers to come to their service. Prepaid services are extremely limited and with the number of displaced workers and people who have experienced problems on a financial level, these limitations will hurt their bottom line where increases from alternative forms of service are considered. As well, the iPhone, although a great benefit to the company product line, is currently seeing problems in the way in which consumer groups are rating the product, thus causing problems in promoting the product. As well, AT&T are claiming that they are the only network on which the iPhone can be used for both voice and data at the same time. This deficit in technical capability will hamper the marketing capacity that Verizon has for the product, putting their service in a secondary position. The wireless industry, within the last decade, has taken over the land line industry through increases in product technologies and wireless access technologies. By 2004, the number of minutes used by wireless customers had reached 1 trillion, but in the three years that followed the number doubled to 2.1 trillion. Wireless communications are now used by 80% of the population and exceed 250 million users. The wireless industry invested 24 billion dollars in 2007 and is the resource for employment of 3.4 million Americans. Instant messages are out distancing e-mails as the preferred form of instant communication. The changes in the way in which people communicate through the technologies of wireless and broadband have revolutionized communications in the world (Verizon Wireless, Inc.) In 2007, worldwide revenue for telecommunications through wire line and wireless revenues
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